10 Day Auto Locksmith & Electronics Training

Auto Locksmith Training

Course Details

The Auto locksmiths 10 day comprehensive course is the ultimate in Auto locksmith training. The 2 week course offers everything included in the 5 & 8 day courses plus training on additional advanced key programming equipment, together with 2 days of actual vehicle scenarios to hone your skills and build your confidence in your abilities.

This course is suitable for those with little or no experience in the auto locksmith trade and offers a greater level of in depth training in both the mechanical and electronic parts of the market, culminating in gaining entry, making a key and programming a range of practice vehicles.

The course is 90% practical to ensure you know how to put the theory into practice. Upon completion of the course you will have the ability to start practicing as a knowledgeable Auto locksmith and have an in-depth ability to work on the vehicles trained on. You will also receive a detailed instruction manual and training certificate.

Course Content

We offer a range of courses covering the following skills:

  • Strip and understand the characteristics and rebuild a range of vehicle locks
  • Recognise lock faults, repair and service effectively
  • Effective entry of vehicles without causing damage
  • Lock picking and decoding both cylinder and laser locks
  • Key cutting, both duplication and to code
  • How to find key code locations and vehicle information
  • An overview of immobiliser systems, transponders and diagnostics
  • Demonstration and practical experience on modern vehicles
  • Essential business planning including what to ask when the phone rings
  • Relevant paperwork requirements including pricing structures and invoicing
  • Tool requirements and how to set up your service van
  • Key & remote programming skills using the AD100Pro / MVPPro
  • Specialist programming software such as True code & Cryptoworks
  • Pincode reading procedures, methods and options
  • Understanding transponders, fixed, Crypto and Precoded
  • Key cloning procedures, methods benefits and usages
  • Eeprom and microprocessor programming
  • Learning de-soldering & soldering techniques
  • Completion of various vehicle scenarios

Locking systems fitted to Ford, Vauxhall, Rover, Peugeot, Renault and VAG vehicles will be covered in great detail and other systems within the given time frame.

Within the training course you will have in depth training on the very latest state of the art equipment available to the modern Auto Locksmith, including key programming, cloning and eeproming equipment, as well as the Mr Li range of lock picks.

Who Should Attend

This course is ideal for candidates that can be away from the business for a 2 week period or candidates that are looking for a career change. Again the course is ideal for locksmiths not involved in the auto market, motor trade operations that want to offer auto locksmith services and people looking for a career change into a niche market with a high level of technical content and good rewards. This training course is very popular with military personnel looking for a civilian life business opportunity.

An ideal training course for someone wanting to start out in this trade with an exception level of training giving you the best start possible.


NCFE accredited level 3

Course Information

Duration : 10 Days (9am - 5pm)
Course Code : IIQ2843
NQF Level : 3
Price : £2200.00 + VAT

Available Dates

March 2025Monday 31stCourse Full31st Mar - 11th Apr 25
May 2025Monday 12th6 Places Available12th - 23rd May 25
June 2025Monday 2ndCourse Full2nd - 13th June 25
July 2025Monday 14th6 Places Available14th - 25th July 25

Book This Course

To book this course, please click the button below to be taken to our main webiste. From there, you can select all the courses you wish to book in one place and make the necessary payment. Once the booking is completed, we'll be in touch shortly with confirmation of your booking.

Contact Us Urgently

Looking for Auto Locksmith Equipment? View our comprehensive range here.

We also stock a vast range of Keys & Remotes , all available to purchase online.